Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being Young

It's about living, its about doing things nobody does, its about being in those sketchy situations, its about hanging out with your best friends, its about falling in love, its about exploring the world, its about EXPERIENCES! I don't care if I use most of my Financial Aid on music shows and festivals and road trips and adventures, instead of using it on food. Today I only had one meal of chicken tenders and fries with some Coca-Cola. I don't care if I don't have a job.(I kinda do) But lets be honest, a job leads to buying a car, having bills, GAS PRICES, and a bunch of thing that pull your money and by the time you realize it, it's all gone. It's about having those stories, memories you can tell your kids. It's about Now. It's about meeting new people. I don't care if I'm paying off loans when I'm done with college because by then I will have a job, and I know that in the end it was all worth it.

Growing up I leaned about how adults live. They get married, have children, pay bills, work the same job for 20-30 years, don't go out that much, usually go in debt, they just never seem to have time to stop and take a look at the world. The system plants this idea since we are children. Go to school, find something you like, study what you like in college(if they even offer that), find a secure job, work that job till you retire. When you retire you're going to be old and tired, the end.

This is probably why I am a Business Major. To find an alternative. To go against this middle class system. I think I've grown wiser, surrounded myself with smart people. I've been more open to people about the way I think lately, even if they think I'm weird and crazy, it all makes sense to me.