Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I've been thinking a lot of what my first tattoo will be. Something small and simple with a lot of meaning behind it. Most of my tattoos will be small, simple, and meaningful. I'm not that into huge tattoos. My life has been based on true family, true friendships, true relationships, honesty, virtue, and respect. A lot of people have failed on me, and I have failed too many. But the ones that are still there keep me strong, keep me going. There's nights when I sit in my room by myself and think for hours about my past, present, and future. I like to think that once this is all over that I'd be better off living by myself, taking the world on my own, fight for what I believe in and let no one interfere. But then I know I won't last alone because then I will have nights like this one, tonight. And hopefully, I'll still have those friends that have been there for me. The ones that listen, care, and don't take advantage of you. The ones that understand you. I'm blessed to have many of these good friends in my life right now. I'm open to all friendships but only a few get my true friendship. It's hard now-a-days, I remember being a little kid and calling everyone my "friend" and always wondered why everyone isn't friends. Then you get those friends that steal, lie, and take advantage of you. This causes me to not be as social now.
Sometimes I hide from people.